To ensure your complete satisfaction, we offer an exclusive one-year. Our warranty does not cover damage inflicted by tree branches, fish hooks, fillet knives, shotguns, chainsaws, falling down a mountain, failure of your chute to open, fire-walking, becoming a porcupine's love interest, gator wrestling or any similar brushes with Mother Nature and its inhabitants. Defective gear is not in the Fujie Outdoor® DNA, and we want to do everything we can do to correct any product issues that may arise.
Высокое качество Wellies Boots дамы новые стили печатных водонепроницаемый резиновые сапоги женщины
Характеристика * Хлопковая подкладка * Противоскользящая резиновая подошва * Съемная стелька EVA * Индивидуальный логотип бренда * Боковые пряжки * Печать на заказ